The initial thought that elicited the interest to draw amino acid structures was a result of reading “ The Aesthetic Brain” by Dr. Anjan Chatterjee. Doctor writes about about why we are drawn to certain art, landscape and people. Why we prefer one over another physically. One of the reasons he states is Symmetry. This made me think about amino acids (building blocks of proteins) which exist as optical isomers.
The α-amino acids, can exist in either of two optical isomers, L or D amino acids( mirror images of each other) , but only the L (left-handed) makes the protein. Structure results in function….but why is the L structure preferred? At a macro level does this influence us?
Where we meet focuses on the interconnectedness that unites us despite our difference. The hill depicted in this art is (Arunachala) where I go to meditate. Where I ask the question “Who am I?” as I wait in silence.
'Where we meet' created by
Anjali Rajkumar using Mixed media on canvas is available
in a size of
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